Contributions & Donations should be given with due respect for the wishes and authority of the recipient, and in conformity with government policies. Contributions and Donations can be made in the form of funds, support items, equipment, venue sponsorships, event sponsorships etc. that can be discussed with ‘TRACK’ team and confirmed
All contributors and donors should ensure the quality of items contributed/donated. Quality checks shall be conducted by competent team for and on behalf of ‘TRACK’
Identity of the Contributor / Donor can be kept a controlled from being public, but shall be recorded with the official register of ‘TRACK’
Contributions can be made in the name of individuals, institutions, companies, enterprises, organizations, societies, or associations. In any case of contribution and donation, the principal coordinating organization shall be ‘TRACK’
Contributor / Donor benefits in terms of marketing shall be discussed in detail with ‘TRACK’ authorities and are subject to statutory and Government laws and regulations